In the vast realm of Elden Ring, scattered throughout the Lands Between lie hidden treasures known as Elden Ring Smithing Bell Bearings. These precious items grant access to a plethora of unique weapons and enhancements at Roundtable Hold. Embark on a thrilling adventure to locate these elusive artifacts and unleash the full potential of your arsenal.
Table 1: Elden Ring Smithing Bell Bearing Locations
Location | Smithing Bell Bearing |
Castle Morne | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Limgrave Tunnels | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Stormveil Castle | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Raya Lucaria Academy | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Redmane Castle | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Volcano Manor | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Leyndell, Royal Capital | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Table 2: Advanced Bell Bearing Locations
Location | Bell Bearing |
Siofra River | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Caelid | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Lake of Rot | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Ainsel River | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
Deeproot Depths | Smithing-Stone Miner's |
"I spent countless hours grinding for weapon upgrades before I discovered the Smithing Bell Bearings. Now, I can access a wide range of enhancements anytime, which has significantly boosted my progress." - Player A
"These Smithing Bell Bearings are a game-changer. I was able to craft legendary weapons that transformed my gameplay experience." - Player B
"The Elden Ring Smithing Bell Bearing Locations guide was incredibly helpful. I found all the artifacts without any hassle, allowing me to fully customize my character's arsenal." - Player C
Elden Ring Smithing Bell Bearing Locations hold the key to unlocking powerful weapon upgrades and enhancing your gameplay experience. With this comprehensive guide, you now have the knowledge to forge a legendary arsenal and conquer the Lands Between.